Is parallels 13 better
Is parallels 13 better

With each resistor added a new branch is added to the circuit and the more paths the current can take, overall lowering the resistance of the circuit. Instead voltage is constant throughout the entire circuit and the total resistance is equal to the reciprocal of the reciprocals of the resistors or

is parallels 13 better

In parallel circuits the opposite is true. The total voltage equals the sum of all the voltages going through individual components. As you add more resistors there is more total resistance.

#Is parallels 13 better series#

The total resistance of a series circuit is the sum of all the resistors within the circuit.

is parallels 13 better

In series circuits the current is constant as it flows directly from one component to the next. Due to how differently these types circuits are wired they behave very differently. In this set up the current divides at the beginning of each branch or junction point so each component gets a different amount of current depending on how much resistance there is. When components are in parallel this means that there are branches in the circuit so the current has several different paths to take. With this set up the same amount of current flows through the first component and straight on to the second. When components of a circuit are in series this means that those components are connected one after the other.

is parallels 13 better

The main objective of this lab was to study the current and voltages in series and parallel circuits. The voltage across each individual resistor and across the two resistors together is nearly equal for all three runs.

Is parallels 13 better